Sunday 18 January 2015

New to blogging

Hi there. Well here it is the beginning of my blogging journey connected with my writing. I have another blog which follows my journey through my cancer treatment, but this one is going to be all about writing and anything connected with books.

I took the step to set up a separate Twitter account and also a Facebook page, which one day I hope will be filled with information about my own novel. 

My novel at the moment is coming along ok. I have a relationship with my main two characters and can see them in my head when I'm writing. I actually care about them and often lie in bed thinking how I can make them more interesting and giving them journeys to go on.
I am hoping it will go somewhere and the characters will inspire me onwards.

So come back and see how I'm doing

Thank you Heidi Swain for the information on how to begin blogging!

Please find me on Facebook at and on Twitter @marylewiswriter


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Mary. Good luck with the writing. I'll look forward to dropping by regularly. When you post a blog, do post me a Twitter message. x

  2. Thanks Susanna. I guess I'll get used to it in the end and gain confidence. xx
